22 years
1 200 USD
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TOP Skills
Work experience
June 2023 - Present
1 year 6 months
IT Product Manager, Revenue Assurance
Unifun International
1. Provided customer support in case of IT product issues.
2. Coordinated content and advertising schedule with clients.
3. Conducted training calls in English on how to use our IT solutions.
4. Analyzed data to choose solutions for revenue increase.
5. Prepared daily and monthly reports on IT product performance and planned or completed tasks.
Acheivments: Increased product revenue by an average of 30% in five out of seven countries where our IT product was launched.
April 2023 - June 2023
3 months
Account Manager
Unifun International
1. Interaction with mobile operators:
Customer support, offering IT products, client acquisition, conducting calls, working with commercial documentation.
Romanian Elementary
Russian Native
English Communication
Desired industries
Education: Specialized secondary
Graduated in: 2022
CSAF | Colegiul de Studii Administrative și Fiscale
Speciality: WEB Applications Managment
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