Все вакансии

Operator web marketing limba germana,italiana,franceza

Актуализировано: 16 июня 2017

Ewin Soft & Trade SRL

Cautam operator de limba italiana, franceza sau germana Cerinte: - cunoasterea cel putin a uneia din aceste limbi straine la nivel scris bun - cunoasterea calculatorului la nivel de utilizator - dorinta de a lucra Oferim: - lucru full time (luni-vineri 8.30 - 17.00) - salariu fix cu crestere salaria...

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Programator C#/ ms .net

Актуализировано: 15 июня 2017

HR-Consulting (www.search4staf...

Compania HR-Consulting (www.search4staff.com), la solicitarea clientului sau, este in cautare de candidati pentru pozitia de: Programator C#/ MS .NET Compania: Una din primele banci cu capital strain din Republica Moldova, membra a unui grup bancar international. Misiune post: Asigurarea dezvoltarii...

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Senior PHP developer (from 1500 $)

Актуализировано: 15 июня 2017


IT Company engaged in software development is looking for Senior PHP Developer Working conditions: - Professional and career growth - Participation in international conferences and hackathons - Comfortable office, competitive salary, regular team building events - Official employment with all the so...

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Elixir/erlang developer (from 1000 $)

Актуализировано: 15 июня 2017


IT Company engaged in software development is looking for Elixir/Erlang Developer Working conditions: - Professional and career growth - Participation in international conferences and hackathons - Comfortable office, competitive salary, regular team building events - Official employment with all the...

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Ruby/rails developer (from 1000 $)

Актуализировано: 15 июня 2017


IT Company engaged in software development is looking for Ruby/Rails Developer Working conditions: - Professional and career growth - Participation in international conferences and hackathons - Comfortable office, competitive salary, regular team building events - Official employment with all the so...

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Programator PHP

Актуализировано: 15 июня 2017


Compania ce presteaza serviciul online de cumpărare a biletelor de avion anunță concurs la postul vacant de Programator PHP Condiții: - Angajare oficială - Pachet social - Graficul de lucru: 5 zile în săptămînă - Dezvoltare profesională Responsabilități: - Programarea in PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, HTML...

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Technical engineer / inginer tehnic

Актуализировано: 15 июня 2017

ICS Reliable Solutions Distrib...

Compania Î.C.S. “Reliable Solutions Distributor” S.R.L. unul din liderii de pe piața IT care oferă servicii în domeniul tehnologiilor informaționale în Republica Moldova, angajează persoană în funcția de: - Technical Engineer / Inginer Tehnic Se ofera: - Program de lucru full time, pachet salarial a...

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Sales representative

Актуализировано: 15 июня 2017


Job responsibilities: - Contacting new and existing clients via phone and email; - Making presentations of company’s products and services; - Providing detailed information on the company’s products and services; - Keeping in contact with the clients before and after the sale; - Negotiating on agree...

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Senior PHP developer (from 1500 $)

Актуализировано: 14 июня 2017


IT Company engaged in software development is looking for Senior PHP Developer Working conditions: - Professional and career growth - Participation in international conferences and hackathons - Comfortable office, competitive salary, regular team building events - Official employment with all the so...

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Elixir/erlang developer (from 1000 $)

Актуализировано: 14 июня 2017


IT Company engaged in software development is looking for Elixir/Erlang Developer Working conditions: - Professional and career growth - Participation in international conferences and hackathons - Comfortable office, competitive salary, regular team building events - Official employment with all the...

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Ruby/rails developer (from 1000 $)

Актуализировано: 14 июня 2017


IT Company engaged in software development is looking for Ruby/Rails Developer Working conditions: - Professional and career growth - Participation in international conferences and hackathons - Comfortable office, competitive salary, regular team building events - Official employment with all the so...

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Programator PHP

Актуализировано: 14 июня 2017


Compania ce presteaza serviciul online de cumpărare a biletelor de avion anunță concurs la postul vacant de Programator PHP Condiții: - Angajare oficială - Pachet social - Graficul de lucru: 5 zile în săptămînă - Dezvoltare profesională Responsabilități: - Programarea in PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, HTML...

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Technical engineer / inginer tehnic

Актуализировано: 14 июня 2017

ICS Reliable Solutions Distrib...

Compania Î.C.S. “Reliable Solutions Distributor” S.R.L. unul din liderii de pe piața IT care oferă servicii în domeniul tehnologiilor informaționale în Republica Moldova, angajează persoană în funcția de: - Technical Engineer / Inginer Tehnic Se ofera: - Program de lucru full time, pachet salarial a...

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Inginer de retea

Актуализировано: 14 июня 2017

ÎS Centrul de Telecomunicații ...

Obiectivul postului: Dezvoltarea, configurarea și mentenanţa infrastructurii de retea. Responsabilități: • Mentinerea bunei functionari a infrastructurii de retea WAN si LAN; • Analiza performanței rețelei și a gradului ei de încarcare, global și per echipament, în scopul îmbunătățirii acestora; • M...

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Inginer de securitate

Актуализировано: 14 июня 2017

ÎS Centrul de Telecomunicații ...

Obiectivul postului: Dezvoltarea, configurarea și mentenanţa securitatii infrastructurii de retea. Responsabilități: • Menținerea securitatii a infrastructurii de retea WAN si LAN; • Analiza incidentelor de securitate si solutionarea lor, în scopul îmbunătățirii nivelului de securitate; • Mentinerea...

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Specialist call centru

Актуализировано: 14 июня 2017

ÎS Centrul de Telecomunicații ...

- Experiența în domeniu ar constitui un avantaj; - Absolvent de studii superioare; - Abilitați de a comunica pozitiv; - Rezistenta la stres si atenție la detalii; - Cunoașterea limbilor române, ruse la nivel avansat, engleze la nivel de utilizator intermediar; - Operare PC la nivel avansat (MS Offic...

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C# unity3d developer

Актуализировано: 14 июня 2017


Seven Games is seeking experienced C# Unity Programmers to join our team on the development of exciting mobile games. The ideal candidate should have had already worked in the game development industry (single or in a team) and has a portfolio of one or more released/finished games. Requirements: - ...

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Programator php/mysql

Актуализировано: 14 июня 2017

CreativSoft SRL

Cerințe pentru candidat: - Cunoștințe PHP (OOP/MVC), MySQL; - Cunoștințe HTML, XHTML, XML, AJAX; - Cunoștințe Javascript, jQuery și CSS; Vei fi responsabil pentru: - Dezvoltare proiecte noi; - Mentenanță și dezvoltare proiecte existente. Calități personale: - Gândirea analitică; - Dorință și capacit...

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Linux system administrator

Актуализировано: 14 июня 2017

ÎS Centrul de Telecomunicații ...

Requirements: - Advanced Linux/Unix knowledge - Configuration and Managing Linux systems - Strong skills in Linux OS hardening and security compliance - Good skills in managing and hardening Linux server roles (Web server, Database) - Good skills in configuring HA and LB for Linux server roles - Scr...

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Inginer voip

Актуализировано: 14 июня 2017

ÎS Centrul de Telecomunicații ...

Obiectivul postului: Dezvoltarea, configurarea și mentenanţa infrastructurii de IP telefonie. Responsabilități: • Dezvoltarea și implementarea soluțiilor de voce; • Mentinerea bunei functionari a infrastructurii de IP telefonie; • Analiza performanței rețelei și a gradului ei de încarcare, global și...

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Database administrator

Актуализировано: 14 июня 2017

ÎS Centrul de Telecomunicații ...

Duties and Responsibilities include: -Successfully handling technical issues -Fault finding and resolution -Support in a production environment -Database maintenance including monitoring and maintenance tasks (Linux, Windows, etc.) -Design and build new database structures -Perform backup and recove...

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It project manager-șef echipa

Актуализировано: 14 июня 2017

ÎS Centrul de Telecomunicații ...

Sarcini și responsabilități: Administrarea proceselor aferente implementării proiectului; Planificarea, monitorizarea și raportarea lucrărilor aferente implementării proiectului; Planificarea, gestiunea sarcinilor puse echipei de proiect; Formarea, conducerea și organizarea activității echipei de pr...

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.Net engineer developer

Актуализировано: 14 июня 2017

ÎS Centrul de Telecomunicații ...

Requirements: - Experience with .NET 3.5 to 4.5; - Deep knowledge of C#; - Experience with MVC and SOAP/XML; - Strong OOP skills.

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Specialist vânzări prin telefon. aplică acum!

Актуализировано: 13 июня 2017


Vorbești fluent limba Română și Rusă? Îți place să vorbești la telefon? Ești bun în comunicare și negociere? Cauți un job activ într-un proiect internațional? Aplică acum și alătură-te nouă. Candidatul ideal pentru acest post nu are nevoie de experiență în vânzări dar are o atitudine pozitivă, se im...

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Technical engineer / inginer tehnic

Актуализировано: 13 июня 2017

Î.C.S. “Reliable Solutions Dis...

Compania Î.C.S. “Reliable Solutions Distributor” S.R.L. unul din liderii de pe piața IT care oferă servicii în domeniul tehnologiilor informaționale în Republica Moldova, angajează persoană în funcția de: - Technical Engineer / Inginer Tehnic Se ofera: - Program de lucru full time, pachet salarial a...

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Programator PHP

Актуализировано: 13 июня 2017


Compania ce presteaza serviciul online de cumpărare a biletelor de avion anunță concurs la postul vacant de Programator PHP Condiții: - Angajare oficială - Pachet social - Graficul de lucru: 5 zile în săptămînă - Dezvoltare profesională Responsabilități: - Programarea in PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, HTML...

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It эксперт по qlikview

Актуализировано: 13 июня 2017

Vion Impex SRL

IT эксперт по QlikView Требуется специалист с опытом работы и уверенными знаниями в области IT QlikView для сопровождении проектов. Мы ищем толкового сообразительного IT экспертa по QlikView для обучения таких же толковых и сообразительных коллег. Основные требования к кандидату: - Основы работы IT ...

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Senior PHP developer (from 1500 $)

Актуализировано: 13 июня 2017


IT Company engaged in software development is looking for Senior PHP Developer Working conditions: - Professional and career growth - Participation in international conferences and hackathons - Comfortable office, competitive salary, regular team building events - Official employment with all the so...

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Elixir/erlang developer (from 1000 $)

Актуализировано: 13 июня 2017


IT Company engaged in software development is looking for Elixir/Erlang Developer Working conditions: - Professional and career growth - Participation in international conferences and hackathons - Comfortable office, competitive salary, regular team building events - Official employment with all the...

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Ruby/rails developer (from 1000 $)

Актуализировано: 13 июня 2017


IT Company engaged in software development is looking for Ruby/Rails Developer Working conditions: - Professional and career growth - Participation in international conferences and hackathons - Comfortable office, competitive salary, regular team building events - Official employment with all the so...

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Инженер it

Актуализировано: 12 июня 2017

HR-Consulting (www.search4staf...

Компания HR-Consulting (search4staff.com), по просьбе своего клиента, ищет кандидатов на должность: Инженер IT Компания: Одна из самых крупных платёжных систем в Молдове. Обязанности: - Решение инцидентов на процессинговом уровне, - Контроль работы службы технической поддержки (1-ый уровень ТП), - П...

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PHP developer

Актуализировано: 12 июня 2017

Marsala Performance Agency

Responsabilităţi principale: -Dezvoltarea şi implementarea produselor soft -Mentenanţa şi optimizarea produselor soft -Îmbunătăţirea continuă a performanţelor proceselor, inclusiv prioritatea acordată satisfacţiei necesităţilor şi aşteptărilor clienţilor şi altor părţi interesate. Experienţa profesi...

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Senior PHP developer (from 1500 $)

Актуализировано: 12 июня 2017


IT Company engaged in software development is looking for Senior PHP Developer Working conditions: - Professional and career growth - Participation in international conferences and hackathons - Comfortable office, competitive salary, regular team building events - Official employment with all the so...

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Elixir/erlang developer (from 1000 $)

Актуализировано: 12 июня 2017


IT Company engaged in software development is looking for Elixir/Erlang Developer Working conditions: - Professional and career growth - Participation in international conferences and hackathons - Comfortable office, competitive salary, regular team building events - Official employment with all the...

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Ruby/rails developer (from 1000 $)

Актуализировано: 12 июня 2017


IT Company engaged in software development is looking for Ruby/Rails Developer Working conditions: - Professional and career growth - Participation in international conferences and hackathons - Comfortable office, competitive salary, regular team building events - Official employment with all the so...

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Programator PHP

Актуализировано: 12 июня 2017


Compania ce presteaza serviciul online de cumpărare a biletelor de avion anunță concurs la postul vacant de Programator PHP Condiții: - Angajare oficială - Pachet social - Graficul de lucru: 5 zile în săptămînă - Dezvoltare profesională Responsabilități: - Programarea in PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, HTML...

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Актуализировано: 12 июня 2017


Компании „Be Digital” требуется Программист для работы в команде над разнообразными и интересными проектами. МЫ ЖДЁМ ОТ ТЕБЯ: • Знание HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript и SQL; • Опыт работы и обязательное наличие готовых работ; • Стремление учиться и узнавать что-то новое; • Навыки работы в Photoshop (в ра...

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Programator c#/ ms .net

Актуализировано: 12 июня 2017

HR-Consulting (www.search4staf...

Compania HR-Consulting (www.search4staff.com), la solicitarea clientului său, este în căutare de candidați pentru poziția de: Programator C#/ MS .NET Compania: Una din primele bănci cu capital străin din Republica Moldova, membră a unui grup bancar internațional. Misiune post: Asigurarea dezvoltării...

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Programator PHP/MySQL

Актуализировано: 12 июня 2017

CreativSoft SRL

Cerințe pentru candidat: - Cunoștințe PHP (OOP/MVC), MySQL; - Cunoștințe HTML, XHTML, XML, AJAX; - Cunoștințe Javascript, jQuery și CSS; Vei fi responsabil pentru: - Dezvoltare proiecte noi; - Mentenanță și dezvoltare proiecte existente. Calități personale: - Gândirea analitică; - Dorință și capacit...

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Front-end development engineer

Актуализировано: 12 июня 2017

Mobilesoft Solutions

MobileSoft is a leading technology software development company based in Minneapolis, MN, USA. We run a mobile application builder and a content management system at http://SeattleClouds.com. Currently the following position is available in our office in Chisinau, Moldova: Job Description: Front-End...

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Актуализировано: 12 июня 2017


На работу в офис требуются сотрудники, грамотно владеющие русским языком Требования: Владение русским языком Уверенный пользователь ПК

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Актуализировано: 11 июня 2017


Редакция самого перспективного и интересного новостного сайта Молдовы, с быстро растущим трафиком, открывает вакансию SMM-менеджер. Обязанности: 1. Ведение групп в социальных сетях Facebook, Instagram, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki. 2. Продвижение сообществ в соцсетях различными инструментами, увеличение...

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Junior web developer

Актуализировано: 9 июня 2017


Căutăm un Junior Web Developer mereu dornic de a învăța și de a implementa proiecte interesante și inovatoare. Cerințe: + Dorință de a învăța și a cunoaște lucruri noi; + Cunoștințe de php, mysql, javascript, constituie un avantaj; + Experiență și existența unui portofoliu cu lucrări deja executate,...

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Social media manager

Актуализировано: 9 июня 2017


“WebTech” company is looking for a candidate to fulfill the new position of a Social Media Manager for our Internet project. Key Responsibilities: Define and execute a strategy to grow and engage our social following on key platforms such as Facebook, Twitter & YouTube, Instagram Devise and execute ...

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Content manager

Актуализировано: 9 июня 2017


“WebTech” company is looking for a candidate to fulfill the new position of a Content Manager for our Internet project. What you’ll do You'll have responsibility for the creation and optimisation of all content related to our new project. This will involve: Ensuring content is clear, engaging, and a...

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Forex moldova - sales team

Актуализировано: 9 июня 2017


Join our winning team!!! A financial firm dealing with clients worldwide is looking to expand its sales team in - Moldova We are looking for Sales Representatives with experience (Binary/Forex/Cfd) Come work with us in a young, refreshing environment You will enjoy great people, Quality & stable wor...

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Seo expert (salary 500-1000 usd)

Актуализировано: 9 июня 2017


IT company working at the global market. We have been in this field for 5 years and we do not intend to stop. Our company is gladly inviting applicants for the full-time position of the Specialist in promoting Internet projects with at least 2 years of experience in English speaking segment. We expe...

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It эксперт по qlikview

Актуализировано: 9 июня 2017

Vion Impex SRL

Требуется специалист с опытом работы и уверенными знаниями в области IT QlikView для сопровождении проектов. Мы ищем толкового сообразительного IT экспертa по QlikView для обучения таких же толковых и сообразительных коллег. Основные требования к кандидату: - Основы работы IT QlikView; - Основы внеш...

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Elixir/erlang developer (from 1000 $)

Актуализировано: 9 июня 2017


IT Company engaged in software development is looking for Elixir/Erlang Developer Working conditions: - Professional and career growth - Participation in international conferences and hackathons - Comfortable office, competitive salary, regular team building events - Official employment with all the...

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Ruby/rails developer (from 1000 $)

Актуализировано: 9 июня 2017


IT Company engaged in software development is looking for Ruby/Rails Developer Working conditions: - Professional and career growth - Participation in international conferences and hackathons - Comfortable office, competitive salary, regular team building events - Official employment with all the so...

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