Резюме № 380164 от 21 august 2024
Tester, Developer

age 31 год


address Chișinău

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Обо мне

CSS | JAVA | HTML5 | SQL | Github | Docker | JSON | Git | JavaScript | Web
Development | Web Designer | MySQL | HTML | Relational databases | Unit Testing
| Web API | Continous Integration | API Integrations | Postman | Clean Code |
Software Engineering | JQuery | Microservices | Reports Hub | Visual Studio Code |
Scrum | XML | Code Review | Javascript | Swagger | Java | Integration Testing |
Microsoft Office


Опыт работы

Февраль 2018 - Январь 2023
5 лет

Tester, Developer

DotGov Solutions


1. Manual testing web aplication.
2. Correction and improvement cod at (js, html5, css, java)
3. Collaborate with 3+ senior to learn techniques for writing practical code
4. Participated in the full lifecycle development process with a team of 5+ engineers
5. Handling 500+ incoming tickets and defects at any given time including preliminary
debugging, triaging
6. Participate in led in the quality of the code development process, including design,
performance, observing conding standarts, code review and thorough testing for
5+ projects


Румынский Разговорный

Русский Свободно владею

Английский Базовый

Образование: Высшее

Год окончания: 2019


Факультет: Cybernetics and Information Statistics Bachelor's degree

Специальность: Programer

Пожелания к работе

График работы


Водительское удостоверение

Категория: B

С личным авто

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