IT, Programare
Joburi după dată: Toate joburile
PiKolor caută în mod activ .NET Developer motivat și energic pentru a se alătura echipei noastre minunate. Cu noi veți lucra pe proiecte valoroase și veți face parte din echipa inovatoare și pasionată de codificare. Cerinţe: • Experiența dezvoltării web; • O bună cunoaștere a .NET web framework; • I...
PiKolor активно ищет мотивированного и энергичного .NET разработчика, чтобы присоединиться к нашей удивительной команде. С нами вы будете работать над достойными проектами и быть частью инновационных и увлеченных командой кодирования. Требования: - Хорошее знание .NET web framework; - Готовность зан...
PiKolor is actively looking for a motivated and energetic .NET Developer to join our awesome team. With us you will work on worthwhile projects and be a part of innovative and passionate about coding team. Requirements: • Web Development experience; • Experience with .NET web framework; • Interested...
Компания Web Digital Art в поимсках кандидата на позицию программист для Web Требования: Владение PHP, HTML, CSS, Javascript Опыт работы с базами данных MySQL, CMS Wordpress и Open Cart Условия: Полная занятость Работа в офисе Участие в проектах различной сложности Размер заработной платы обсуждаетс...
Who we are: MixedRiver/Bully! Entertainment company with headquarters in USA, provides world-class Mixed, Virtual and Augmented Reality products and services to our business partners. Who we are looking for: The MR team is looking for an experienced Quality Assurance analyst to test, tune, debug and...
The Moldovan outstaffing company is offering you an excellent chance to implement your skills in the most innovating market of the United Kindom without leaving your native country. We truly believe there is no need to leave the country to find a decent job! We offer you a nice work environment in t...
Компания SRL Ciaica Tur Ищет специалиста в области информационных технологий . Компетенции в создание сайтов , интернет магазина и различных программ для деятельности тур фирм. Заработанная плата сдельная за каждую роботу, или по договоренности.
Приглашаем серьезных и ответственных разработчиков в команду. Требования: - опыт работы PHP программистом более 1 года; - уверенное владение PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL; - опыт и понимание принципов проектирования структур баз данных; - понимание принципов объектно-ориентированного дизайна про...
Beeasts Games is a small and ambitious game development studio from Chisinau, Moldova. Founded in 2016 our mission is to deliver games that leave an impact on players worldwide. Who we are looking for: Full-time game programmer to join our team and help us deliver new & exciting projects Responsibil...
The Moldovan outstaffing company is offering you an excellent chance to implement your skills in the most innovating market of the United Kindom without leaving your native country. We truly believe there is no need to leave the country to find a decent job! We offer you a nice work environment in t...
The Moldovan outstaffing company is offering you an excellent chance to implement your skills in the most innovating market of the United Kindom without leaving your native country. We truly believe there is no need to leave the country to find a decent job! We offer you a nice work environment in t...
DESIGNER GRAFIC Compania Akilor SRL este în căutarea unui designer grafic. Ne aflăm în centrul Chișinăului (la 5 min de Universitatea de Stat). Responsabilități principale : Actualizarea cataloagelor numerice (cataloage de produse alimentare, mai mult de 30000 de exemplare distribuite în fiecare lun...
Dacă ai așteptat mult timp o oportunitate de auto-realizare profesională în industria software, atunci profită de această ocazie aici și acum cu acest job. Crearea a ceva nou împreună este visul fiecărui spirit liber. Dacă ai idei clare cu privire la modul în care un departament ICT ar trebui să fun...
The Moldovan outstaffing company is offering you an excellent chance to implement your skills in the most innovating market of the United Kindom without leaving your native country. We truly believe there is no need to leave the country to find a decent job! We offer you a nice work environment in t...
The Moldovan outstaffing company is offering you an excellent chance to implement your skills in the most innovating market of the United Kindom without leaving your native country. We truly believe there is no need to leave the country to find a decent job! We offer you a nice work environment in t...
The Moldovan outstaffing company is offering you an excellent chance to implement your skills in the most innovating market of the United Kindom without leaving your native country. We truly believe there is no need to leave the country to find a decent job! We offer you a nice work environment in t...
The Moldovan outstaffing company is offering you an excellent chance to implement your skills in the most innovating market of the United Kindom without leaving your native country. We truly believe there is no need to leave the country to find a decent job! We offer you a nice work environment in t...
The Moldovan outstaffing company is offering you an excellent chance to implement your skills in the most innovating market of the United Kindom without leaving your native country. We truly believe there is no need to leave the country to find a decent job! We offer you a nice work environment in t...
The Moldovan outstaffing company is offering you an excellent chance to implement your skills in the most innovating market of the United Kindom without leaving your native country. We truly believe there is no need to leave the country to find a decent job! We offer you a nice work environment in t...
The Moldovan outstaffing company is offering you an excellent chance to implement your skills in the most innovating market of the United Kindom without leaving your native country. We truly believe there is no need to leave the country to find a decent job! We offer you a nice work environment in t...
MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES: Testing new features released by development team Performing regression testing Creating and maintaining testing documentation Improving existing QA processes Automation of testing scenarios OUR REQUIREMENTS: At least 1 year of QA experience Hands-on experience with creating a...
MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES: Be part of team that designs architecture of GoParrot Platform Work and implement cool new features Maintain quality and robustness and performance of platform Collaborate with the rest of the engineering team to design and launch new features Maintain code integrity and organ...
Обязанности\r\nТехнический аудит сайта\r\nПервичная настройка сайта для SEO-продвижения\r\nВыполнение технических работ по SEO-оптимизации сайтов.\r\nСоставление семантического ядра сайта\r\nРабота со структурой и разделами проекта\r\nДобавление/корректировка метаинформации разделов сайта\r\nРегистр...
Noi .coding, suntem o echipa tânără și ambițioasă de developeri, ne ocupăm cu dezvoltarea site-urilor și aplicațiilor mobile. La moment avem nevoie de un ReactJS developer care are cunoștințe bune în JavaScript, Redux, SocketIO și experiență de lucru cu REST APIs care primește orice greutate drept u...
foreign company is looking for freelance part time worker for html,css responsive cording job. Job is 10-50 hours a week at our office in Botanica or at your home. payment is 2 times a month, based on by the hour or by the project. Condition: someone can work soon. and have at least 2 years responsi...
MobileSoft is a leading technology software development company based in Minneapolis, MN, USA with offices in Las Vegas, Atlanta, Houston, Seattle and Chisinau. We create scalable, high-performance mobile apps for iOS, Android, Kindle and Web using the latest techniques and tools. Currently we are l...
MobileSoft is a leading technology software development company based in Minneapolis, MN, USA with offices in Las Vegas, Atlanta, Houston, Seattle and Chisinau. We create scalable, high-performance mobile apps for iOS, Android, Kindle and Web using the latest techniques and tools. Currently we are l...
В сервисный центр нужен мастер по ремонту компьютеров, мобильных телефонов, планшетов, т.д. Кандидат должен уметь очень хорошо пользоваться паяльником, разбираться в архитектуре пк, уметь читать компьютерную документацию, быть осведомленным о компонентах на рынке IT. Требуется как минимум среднее-сп...
Обязанности: - разработка внутренних проектов студии; - разработка сторонних проектов студии; - работа над AR/VR приложениями. Требования: - уверенные знания и понимание C#, .NET, OOP; - умение работать с Unity3D; - английский достаточный для чтения документации и форумов; - желание усиленно учиться...
Компании требуется СЕО-шник любитель для настройки кампаний в Гугл Адвордс и Яндекс. В день 2-3 часа. Оплата за день - 50 лей. CV высылайте на емайл.
Instituție privată caută IT Asistent: - Cunoști ce e o rețea? - Poți conecta 2 calculatoare in rețea? - Cunoști ce e un server? - Poți instala Windows? - Poți găsi drivere? - Vreai să înveți mai multe? Ce oferim noi? + Salariu + Bonusuri + Alimentație gratuită + Pachet minute telefon + GB internet +...
Обязанности: Поиск и подбор персонала; Контроль и координация проектов подбора; Оптимизация и стандартизация процесса рекрутмента; Адаптация и обучения сотрудников Управление персоналом Требования: - знание ПК (Word, Интернет, почта, Skype) - самоорганизованность, обучаемость -работа на результат от...
Требования к кандидату: Умение общаться с людьми. Наличие компьютера и хорошего интернет-соединения. Ответственность, коммуникабельность Работа ведется из дома. Возможно совмещение с основной работой, учебой. Карьерный рост, трудоустройство по желанию. Резюме отправлять на электронную почту: solovei...
Esti programator și cauți un loc de muncă? Vino la noi in echipă! Echipa noastră se marește! Vină la noi în echipă dacă ești Programator, ai cunostinte Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal , și îndeplinești urmatoarele cerințe - Cunoasterea limbajului de programare PHP si a CMS –urilor: Wordpress, Joomla, Drup...
Требуется BACK-END ПРОГРАММИСТ WEBUS – успешная IT компания. Предлагает в Молдове, странах СНГ и Европы, США и Канады следующие основные услуги: • Создание сайтов • Создание интернет-магазинов • Раскрутка сайтов - SEO продвижение • Создание контента (copywrite) для сайтов наших клиентов • Администри...
Ищем мануального тестировщика уровня мид/сениор. Контракт на полгода с длительным пребыванием в Лондоне (минимум три месяца). Требования: - 3-5 лет опыта в кюэе - Европейский паспорт или валидная английская виза - Желание и возможность поехать на несколько месяцев в Лондон - Разговорный английский -...
SERVICII DE CONSULTANȚĂ IT Funcția: Expert IT, care să ofere sprijin și asistență în gestionarea și dezvoltarea SIA „RETP” al MADRM. Instituția: Oficiul Prevenirea Poluării Mediului în cadrul Ministerului Agriculturii, Dezvoltării Regionale și Mediului al RM. Localitate: mun. Chișinău, Moldova. Refe...
Привет, мы – «Avigo». Наша команда приглашает на работу веб-программистов. Если ты отлично разбираешься в PHP, MySQL, HTML + CSS, Javascript и обладаешь богатым опытом работы – давай знакомится. Портрет идеального кандидата: - понимание концепций MVC, OOP и адаптивного дизайна; - опыт использования ...
Мы предлогаем: - Официальное трудоустройство - Социальный пакет - График: 5 дней в неделю - Профессиональное развитие Обязанности: - Програмирование PHP, Bootstrap, JavaScript, React, WordPress, HTML5, CSS3 - Разработка/написание плагинов, поддержание и обновление существующих Требования: - Опыт раб...
Salut, suntem Avigo. Căutăm colegi care să se alăture echipei noastre în postul de programator Web. Dacă ai cunoștiințe solide de: PHP, MySQL, HTML + CSS, Javascript, și vastă experiență în domeniu am vrea să ne cunoaștem. Candidatul ideal: - familiar cu conceptele: MVC, OOP și Responsive Design - e...
Magento development/modding knowledge : Minimum PHP 5.5 and up SQL (Mysql) NoSQL (MongoDB or Redis) Javascript or Jquery CSS,CSS3 HTML Proven work experience minimum 2 - 3 years Part time can be considered also Flexible working hours Competent salary Bonuses Perfect to grow in your carrier and evolv...
Magento development/modding knowledge : PHP MYSQL CSS HTML Javascript or Jquery - Bonus Students considered Some work experience obligatory Facilities: Part time can be considered also Flexible working hours Competent salary Bonuses Perfect to grow in your carrier and evolve with and within the comp...
Magento development/modding knowledge : Photoshop Knowledge of exporting PSD to HTML Ready Templates Knowledge in creation of Icons and Logo Work Experience 1 -3 years Portfolio Facilities: 1. Part time can be considered also 2. Flexible working hours 3. Competent salary 4. Bonuses 5. Perfect to gro...
About us: Picanova is one of the global market leaders for customizable wall decorations and one of the fastest growing companies in the field of mass customization in e-commerce. One team. Millions of happy customers worldwide. We want to remain the best - therefore, we need the best! We are curren...
Наша компания Mediator расширяется, это значит, что у нас открывается вакансия менеджер проектов в сфере SMM и разработки сайтов. Мы ищем: - Человека с аналитическим складом ума, системного и пунктуального; - С огромным желанием построить карьеру и развиваться в ИТ сфере; - Необходимость базовых нав...
We are looking for an WordPress/PHP developer with experience in theme building and plugin development. Developer will leverage innovative technologies such as PHP, Bootstrap, JavaScript, React, WordPress, HTML5, CSS3 to develop mobile responsive websites and applications in an agile environment. Th...
We are looking for remote senior software engineers with 5+ years of experience in designing and operating distributed JVM based web applications. Responsibilities: * Develop backend web applications using Groovy, Spring Boot, RabbitMQ and MongoDB. * Apply best practices into design and implementati...
Cerinte: Cunostinte solide PHP OOP si organizare baze de date. Cunostinte solide mod de lucru MVC; Cunoasterea unui framework PHP (Laravel, CodeIgniter, Cake PHP, Symphony); Usurinta de lucru intr-un mediu LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP); Implementare API (SOAP, REST); Cunoștințe tehnici de securit...
Nivel avansat de cunoștințe: PHP5, JavaSciprt, SQL (MySQL); Nivel avansat de cunoștințe: Framework Laravel 5 Nivelul mediu: HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, Bootstrap, RSS, Json, NodeJS etc. ; Posesia stilului de programare orientat pe obiect; Cunoaștinte in administrare de sisteme Linux și o înțelegere a modul...
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