CV № 420065 din 18 septembrie 2024
Email Marketing Manager/Lead Gen Manager/Technical Recruiter

age 31 ani


address Chișinău

20 000 MDL

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Despre mine

A seasoned email marketing manager with five years of experience, adept at crafting effective email campaigns. I possess a solid understanding of lead generation strategies and have successfully implemented them in my role.
Additionally, I excel in sourcing talented developers, leveraging their knowledge of recruitment tools and networking abilities to identify and engage top candidates in the field.

-strategic thinking
-data analysis
-communication skills
-sales skills
-technical proficiency
-research skills
-attention to details

Vezi mai mult

Experiența profesională

Iunie 2021 - Prezent
3 ani 6 luni

Demand & Supply Manager



1. Design the mass email tools to reach and maintain the current KPIs
2. Design email campaigns with the goal of generating leads for the sales pipeline.
3. Elaborate the strategy to 3x the current results within the next 3 months and deliver upon it
4. Manage email campaigns with the goal of generating leads for the sales pipeline.
5. Maintain, and support the automatic funnel of sending emails
6. Reply to emails, and maintain conversations with prospects
7. Elaborate personalized scripts based on the needs and expectations of the person
8. Communicated well with project teams, internal clients and external parties
9. Effectively interacted with cross-functional teams
10. Study and research what companies are interested in depending on their specific needs
11. Delegate the interested leads to Sales

Martie 2019 - Mai 2021
2 ani 3 luni




1. to perform call monitoring and provide trend data to management team;
2. to perform monitors of customer care email responses;
3. to participate in customer and client listening programs to identify customer needs and expectations;
4. to provide feedback to teamleaders and managers;
5. to prepare and analyze internal and external quality reports for management staff review;
6. to work with training department to enhance initial and supplemental training as needed;
7. to perform other duties as assigned.

Martie 2017 - Iulie 2018
1 an 5 luni




1. responsible for recruiting and training of the lead generation team;
2. to work together with sales team to identify new business opportunities for the company;
3. to manage, supervise and execute market research to identify potential prospects;
4. to supervise the work of lead generation specialists;
5. created and distributed monthly, quarterly and annual reports to management regarding
6. analyzed key performance indicators to identify effective strategies.


Română Fluent

Rusă Fluent

Engleză Fluent

Germană Elementar

Studii: Superioare

Absolvit în: 2016

Universitatea de Stat din Moldova

Facultatea: Limbi si Literaturi Straine

Specialitatea: Stiinde Educationale

Preferințe pentru job

Programul de muncă


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